Day Pass
Pay to visit each time you come

Purchase a yearly membership

Active Supporter
Visit for free as an Active Supporter
Many guests may not realize that for public zoos, and other arts and cultural entities, there are large city or government subsidies available to help offset their losses. For example, the Denver Zoo receives about $10 million annually from the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District tax. However, the Sanctuary is not eligible for these types of subsidies... nor do we receive any government support. Therefore, we rely on a system where visitors pay a higher entrance fee (compared to zoos or museums) in order to cover the operating costs associated with hosting visitors.
We, of course, welcome everyone who desires to visit to learn more about our mission and to help support the Sanctuary's mission and work. If one does so at a certain level and ongoing basis, they are considered an Active Supporter - and we love supporters!
Supporters, are the main way we exist and everyone here at the Sanctuary is extremely grateful for your support!
Below are the three basic descriptions related to visiting and supporting our Sanctuary.
We realize many people that have never been to the Sanctuary would like the opportunity to visit and see for themselves what we do here. We'd love to have them come visit, but also need them to cover the expenses we incur every time we host a visitor and have something left over to help support the animals and the Sanctuary's mission.
To accomplish this goal, we require adults (ages 13 to 69) to pay $50.
Children (ages 3 to 12) require a payment of $30.
Seniors (ages 70+) require a payment of $20.
Active Supporters are people that have donated to help support the animals - and maintain a threshold of $250 being donated within the past 12 months. This is the minimum qualification to become an Active Supporter.
Active Supporters can visit for free up to five times per year and may also bring up to 3 guests each time they visit.
People can also qualify for Active Supporter status by doing many other things such as adopting an animal... making a pledge... donating valuable in-kind gifts... and many, many, other ways. Contact us for more details if needed.
Memberships are a convenient way to visit the Sanctuary on a yearly basis and not have to pay each time you enter. Numerous options exist to help you find the membership benefits that are right for you and your personal interests.
Review the levels below to gain a better understanding of what is available, and which set of benefits suits your needs.
Corporate memberships are also available, and more information concerning those can be obtained by following this link - or contacting us directly.
Affordable Options For Active Supporters:
Now that it is possible to make the choice between entering as a casual visitor - or becoming an Active Supporter - many people ask how they can support the animals without having to donate $250 all at once. Becoming an Active Supporter can be very affordable if you choose to adopt an animal, or make a pledge, since those donations can be done on a recurring basis.
If you would like to become an Active Supporter immediately, an all-at-once, recurring quarterly payment ($62.50) or annual payment is required.
For those guests choosing to make a monthly payment of at least $20.84 ($250/year), a 12-month history of giving would be needed before becoming an Active Supporter.
Day Passes, Memberships and Active Supporter donations are available HERE if you prefer to purchase them ahead of time online...