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Audio Kiosk #10
Grizzly Bears
In this near habitat with the waterfall feature, are two Grizzly Bears named Tiny and Natasha. They were rescued along with 23 other Bears from the Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio, Texas in the fall of 2010. This facility had hundreds of animals, many of which were rescued from laboratory situations. Sadly, the owner embezzled all of the money and then abandoned the organization. It was then taken over by the Texas state attorney’s office who sought homes for the 300+ animals, including hundreds of primates. The Wild Animal Sanctuary agreed to take the 25 Bears. Tiny and Natasha are a delight to visitors because they are a bonded pair and are very often seen together interacting. Even though they have the nice waterfall feature, like children who’d rather play with the box rather than the expensive toy, Tiny and Natasha are frequently seen playing in the smaller stock tank in the middle of their habitat. Tasha is known for chasing animal care vehicles up and down the fence line and she also likes to amuse herself by throwing sticks or other objects and then chasing after them.
25 Bears from Texas
Behind this Grizzly Bear habitat with the waterfall is another Bear habitat. It is one of only two habitats at the Sanctuary that has both Black and Grizzly Bears living together. The majority of Bears in this habitat are Black Bears that came from the Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio, Texas in 2010. The Sanctuary rescued a total of 25 Bears from that dire situation. Since then, additional Bears from other rescues have been added to this habitat. As mentioned, normally Black Bears and Grizzly Bears are not kept in the same habitat. However, the two older Grizzlies in this habitat were rescued along with the Black Bears and they have done well together. The main reason for not putting Black and Grizzly Bears together is that Grizzlies are typically larger and more intelligent, thus they can take advantage of that and can displace the Black Bears from food, dens and other choice locations.
Down The Ramp
Ahead and to your left you will see a ramp that descends down towards public restrooms that are located at the end of it. However, feel free to head down this ramp to perhaps get a better view of the Grizzlies in this first habitat, or to view animals in the upcoming Transitional Bear habitat or to go farther down the ramp to get a closer view of the 25 Bears previously described. This is a one-way ramp so if you choose to go to the end of it you will have to return to continue along the walkway. There is no public exit or access at the bottom of it.
Ohio and Canadian Lions
To the right, or to the west you will see a Lion habitat with a large log structure at its center. This group of Lions is a wonderful example of how the Sanctuary is able to build Lion prides consisting of unrelated animals. Some of the Lions were rescued in 2011 in Zanesville, Ohio. Many guests may remember this tragic situation where dozens of privately-owned animals were set loose and had to be put down by law enforcement officers. However, a lucky few Lions were not being kept at that location and their lives were preserved. Another male was rescued from a drug dealer in Canada while still very young. He was hand raised by the Animal Care staff here at the Sanctuary until he was large enough to live in a habitat. The remaining female, Gala, was rescued as an all-but-dead “runt” cub when her parents were rescued from a circus in Mexico.