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Audio Kiosk #16
Mountain Lion “Apartments”
Below you are many smaller enclosures with tops on them. These are the primary enclosures for the Sanctuary’s rescued Mountain Lions. The smaller enclosures are each animal’s lair or “apartment”, if you will. The Mountain Lions have access to the larger habitat next door which is discussed below. Even with the larger area, the Mountain Lions still spend time at their home base. Here there is a great sense of security and familiarity. Keep in mind that the Sanctuary always allows animals to make choices which gives them a greater sense of freedom that was so deprived of them in their previous lives. So even though we humans may think these look like small spaces, that is simply our projection, and not necessarily in accord with what is important and needed by each individual animal. Also living here, is a male, yellow-spotted Leopard, named “Kiro” – who has indicated he prefers to live on his own, instead of with other leopards. Kiro has regular access to the adjacent five-acre habitat, as well, which he greatly enjoys exploring. This fellow was rescued from the illegal animal trade in Mexico and is a delight to behold—if only you can spot him.
Mountain Lion Habitat
If you take this short walkway out to the end you will be directly over the Mountain Lion habitat. The cats access this area via an enclosed alleyway system that you can see running along their enclosures. That alleyway leads to a passageway directly under the walkway that enters into the big area. Even when the Mountain Lions have access to the habitat, they can be very difficult to spot. They prefer not to be caught out in the open, so when moving around, they often do so in a quick and stealthy manner. Also, even when they do have access to the large area they like to spend quite a bit of time back at their home enclosure. Or they may make several trips throughout the day back and forth just to check on it. This habitat has many protected areas for these cautious cats. In addition to a number of underground dens, there is a half-buried sea-shipping container that has a southern exposure and areas inside it for the cats to rest and lounge about. Even though you may not see them, they are around and living a great life they could never imagine before.
Education Center
The round building at the center of the Tiger Roundhouse is our Education Center. Here you will find a number of videos that explain specific rescues or other aspects of the Sanctuary’s mission and operations. Please take your time and spend some time here to learn more about the Sanctuary and its rescued animals. There is also a single restroom inside the Education Center, but keep in mind there are more restrooms just a bit further ahead down by the Snack Bar. If it is cold outside, the Education Center is also a very nice area to warm up a bit. Since the Snack Bar is just down the ramp from the Education Center, you may wish to first grab a snack to enjoy while you watch some videos and rest your feet a bit prior to your walk back to the Welcome Center.
Hybrid Lions/Tigers
If you look to the east, or away from the mountains, back behind the Mountain Lion habitat you will see four other habitats. These habitats are inhabited by a variety of Tigers, Lions and big cat hybrids including Ligers and Ti-ligers. These animals were rescued from a facility called Wildlife in Need in Indiana in the fall of 2020. Breeding hybrid big cats is done for a couple of reasons. One is an attempt to avoid restrictions based on the Endangered Species Act and the other is simply for novelty. Sadly, as is always the case, the animals pay the price. Many hybrids suffer from significant health issues and do not live as long as a Tiger or Lion would. They also have difficulty fitting in socially because they are neither a Tiger nor a Lion. As always though, the Sanctuary will do everything within our power to give these animals the best life possible.