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Audio Kiosk #18
Become a Volunteer
The Wild Animal Sanctuary has always relied heavily on volunteers to accomplish everything that needs to be done to give the rescued animals a world-class home. The Sanctuary would not be the world’s premier sanctuary for large carnivores if not for the hundreds of dedicated volunteers that have given of themselves over the decades. The Sanctuary asks that volunteers commit to an initial six-month period of two days per month following an orientation and training session. Volunteers then split their time between educating the public up on the walkway or assisting Animal Care with all of the many tasks necessary to keep the animals well fed and healthy. Keep in mind that volunteers never touch or interact personally with the animals. If you would like to have your life changed forever, please consider becoming a volunteer and making a huge difference in the world. More information can be found on our website or by calling and talking to our Volunteer Coordinator.
Working at the Sanctuary
In addition to all of the volunteers, the Sanctuary employs many people in the areas of guest services, animal care, operations, maintenance and other administrative and office positions. Although not a prerequisite, many employees are former volunteers. The need for guest service employees increases dramatically during the springtime and summer with our extended hours. The Sanctuary has a philosophy of hiring a well-qualified person rather than filling a specific job function. That is, employees are hired that could work in any number of positions. Many Animal Care workers began in some other job at the Sanctuary before moving into an Animal Care position. If you are interested in working at the Sanctuary, please follow us at Indeed.com or Glassdoor.com where we post job openings.
Summer Safari Dinners
Each summer the Sanctuary hosts four Summer Safari Dinners. These are some of the most anticipated and sought after events of the year. In the months of May, June, August and September, a fund-raising dinner is held in the Lion House where guests are entertained by an educational presentation and enjoy a catered meal. Also present are staff members who are able to share their experience of the Sanctuary and animals with the guests. Because the Summer Safari Dinners are held in the Lion House, seating is very limited and they fill up quickly. For those who are interested in attending a Summer Safari Dinner, please visit our website or give us a call at our main number.
Run Into the Wild Running Festival
For many years now the largest event at the Sanctuary each year is the Run Into the Wild Running Festival. On the first Saturday of June each year, thousands of guests attend this special event that takes place near the Welcome Center. The Running Festival includes a 5K and 10K race as well as a 5K family fun walk/run. There is plenty of great food and entertainment, and many vendors are also present selling their goods and services. Be sure to mark your calendar for the first Saturday in June and keep an eye out for more information as this event draws near.