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Audio Kiosk #8
Lynx and Servals
You’re now approaching the area under the walkway where some of the Sanctuary’s Lynx, Bobcats, and Servals reside. Directly below you is an enclosure for a “Tiger King”- rescued Bobcat & Lynx followed by a shared area in which there are two tall climbing towers. On the opposite end of this habitat are two other enclosures, one for a group of Lynx and the other for Servals. The Lynx are a family unit of four from a notorious roadside zoo in Virginia. On a rotating basis, one of these small cat groups is let into the central, larger area for a few days at a time. If you look down below by the water tanks, you will be able to tell whether or not the gate is open, allowing these cats access to the common space. If the gate is open, they may be somewhere in there! One of their favorite places is inside the stack of concrete pipes at the far end.
The Twin Towers
The larger area ahead with the two tall towers on either side of the walkway is a shared space for the Lynx and Servals. Be sure to look closely below you as you walk across this area looking in the pipes and under the trees for cats. There is almost always one group of cats or the other in this common area. In answer to the most common question about the towers: no, the cats do not go all the way to the top. One volunteer has seen cats as high as the fifth level. However, the highest they are normally seen is three or four levels above the ground. Even if they came to the top they would not leap out of the enclosure or over to the walkway. Animals do not just blindly leap into open space. These tall towers are a very popular place for all of the migratory bald Eagles that spend the winter at the Sanctuary. During the winter months visitors can be only a few feet away from these majestic birds perching on top of the towers.
Bald Eagles
Over the years a growing population of migratory Bald Eagles has made the Sanctuary its winter home. Between late November and late February there can be upwards of 40 Bald Eagles on the Sanctuary property on any given day. The Eagles most likely split their time between here and Barr Lake located a few miles to the southwest. Naturally, easy food is the main reason they frequent the Sanctuary. They are most often seen along big cat habitats sitting atop the fence posts waiting for their opportunity to drop into the habitat and eat leftover carnivore meat blocks. Many of the Bald Eagles are juveniles and do not yet have their white head and white tail, which can take four or more years to come in.
Two Lion Prides
On either side of the walkway are two Lion prides. To the right or west is one of the original prides from Bolivia. These lions were the youngest of the whopping 25 lions rescued from various circuses after laws changed in the animals’ favor in 2010. If the Lions are not readily visible, keep in mind that they have both above and underground dens available. As mentioned previously, Lions are very territorial, so it is not uncommon to see this pride of Lions interacting with the pride of Lions just to the south of their habitat. Then, to the left or east is another pride of Lions including a white female who started life as a so-called pet in Mexico. The white coloration in Lions is related to albinism, whereas the white coloration in Tigers is not. You also may spot a white male with them, who was previously used for a hotel magic act in Guam, residing in a rooftop cage between performances. Now their lives are full of huge spaces to roam, and open sky above to roar .