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Educating The World

Captive Wildlife Education Program

Education about the Captive Wildlife Crisis – the causes of and potential solutions to - is critically important to the alleviation of suffering endured by millions of animals worldwide.  It may sound idealistic, but The Wild Animal Sanctuary wants to change social consciousness – so that people learn to understand that captive large carnivores do not make good pets…they are not entertainment…and their skins and body parts are not products. 


The way to achieve this change in social consciousness is through Education.

Education is part of the orientation given to all visitors at the Sanctuary.  It is important that guests understand the need for sanctuaries like ours, as well as what they can do to help alleviate the suffering of tens of thousands of captive large carnivores living in substandard conditions throughout the U.S. 

TWAS has an Education Center containing plenty of information, posters and videos about the animals, the Captive Wildlife Crisis, the kind of life we provide for our rescued animals, what and how we feed the animals, how we construct their habitats and shelters, and a whole lot more.   In addition to welcoming nearly 170,000 supporters each year, the Sanctuary also gives group tours to students and Scouts, organizations and businesses.  Groups must schedule their tours in advance, by emailing, or by calling 303-536-0118.


The Sanctuary Speakers Bureau travels throughout Colorado’s Front Range, giving presentations to businesses, service clubs, universities and other agencies, as well as participating in town fairs and other public gatherings.  Government agencies and professional organizations involved with captive wildlife issues frequently seek our advice on the animals’ care, transportation and behaviors.   To schedule a presentation, call the Sanctuary, 303-536-0118. 


The Sanctuary’s web sites –,,

are visited by millions of people annually, and we stay in touch with supporters via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. TWAS is also sponsored by actress Jessica Biel and singer song writer Keb Mo. 

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