We hope you will enjoy what you see and share it with your friends and family. You are welcome to bring cameras and video cameras if you are taking pictures or videos for your own personal enjoyment. You may want to bring binoculars as well, to view the animals.

Photographing The Animals At The Sanctuary...
Photographers, Artists, Videographers, and Writers often want to use their skills and involve the animals in their work. If you are a professional photographer, videographer, writer or artist, please view the guidelines on this link. If you are going to use your talents to create income, we feel that the animals deserve something from your creative efforts, since they are the subjects that make it possible for you.
The Sanctuary has strict policies concerning non-commercialization of the animals, so we do not have pay-for-photo-opportunities or tours. There are plenty of great opportunities to take photographs of the animals from our observation decks, so there is no need to get "behind-the-scenes" access.
Photographers and videographers that have wanted to use photographs of the sanctuary animals in natural settings for profit - as in selling pictures through a gallery or fair - are asked to find a way to help the animals through their work. Some examples include providing no-cost framed or matted photos for the Sanctuary's gift shop to sell - which allows us to use the proceeds from those sales to purchase food and supplies for the animals.
We are glad to work with you for the benefit of both yourself and the animals, so once you have reviewed the guidelines, please call the office, 303-536-0118, and we’ll discuss ideas about how you and the animals can each benefit from your work.