Pledge Your Support
One of the easiest ways to help the animals living at
The Wild Animal Sanctuary is to PLEDGE your support!
It’s also one of the BEST ways to help the animals because it assures consistent contributions on an ongoing basis, which is critical to making sure the basics – food and veterinary care – are met each month.
You can pledge your support monthly, quarterly or annually, and we offer numerous options to make it easy:
- Automatic Deductions from your Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discovery)
- Automatic Checking Account Withdrawals (ACH)
- On line payments via our web site – go to the “Donate Now” button on our web site, and you can click on the options you prefer (amount/frequency/credit card)
- Setting up regular payments through PayPal (donate to information@wildlife-sanctuary.org and choose recurring gift)
- Mailing a check
For any option besides setting up your pledge online, just contact us or give us a call at 303-536-0118, as we'll be more than happy to help.
Choose whether you would like to make monthly payments, quarterly or just once per year.
Thank you for your kind and generous support!