Thank you for wanting to help the animals! The items listed below are some of the things we use for animal care and other programs.

For large items such as building supplies or trees, please call first to make arrangements for delivery or pickup.
If you would like to donate something that is not on this list, just give us a call at 303-536-0118 or email information@wildanimalsanctuary.org to make sure it is something that we can accept.
Bear Food (from April – October only)
Apples, pears, plums
Berries (any kind), grapes, cherries
Melons (any kind)
Carrots and vegetables (no artichokes or potatoes)
Fruit roll-ups
Jumbo marshmallows (extra-large!)
Dog food – dry, high quality (large bags)
Cat food – dry, high quality
Wolves and Cats
Frozen turkeys or chickens (whole birds)
Reddi-whip canned whipped cream
Evaporated milk (cans)
Zoo balls (please call for specifics!)
Office, Welcome Center and Volunteer Program
Clear packing tape rolls (to go on tape guns)
Post-it notes
Mailing labels (Avery sizes 8160, 8163, 8167)
Bankers boxes (new)
Manila filing folders (new, letter-size)
Paper towels
Toilet paper (2-ply, large rolls)
Clorox wipes
Lysol disinfectant spray (aerosol)
Paper plates
Plastic utensils (forks, knives, spoons)
10 oz. coffee cups with lids
Bottled water (cases)
Amazon gift cards
Home Depot gift cards
Fire hoses
Heavy-duty garden hoses and nozzles
Pool chlorine tablets
Rubbermaid tubs with lids (large sizes, new)
Contractor plastic garbage bags – 42 gallon ONLY (found at Lowes or Home Depot)
Towels and cleaning cloths (new, white only)
Building and Landscaping Materials
Concrete (bags or by truck)
Concrete and steel culverts (all sizes)
Deck stain (certain types – please ask!)
Lumber (2x4s and 4x4s)
Painting materials (new brushes, rollers, pans)
Shovels, metal rakes, work gloves (new)
Steel (all sizes and shapes)
Telephone poles
Trees (cottonwoods, evergreens, shrubs)
Tree trunks & stumps (extremely large, for habitats and play areas)
Wood chips for landscaping and habitats
See the Sanctuary's Wish List Online at Amazon.com