Giving yourself in the service of others in need...
So many people in the world, especially young people, are looking for their calling and something to cling to, something that gives life context and a purpose, something that bathes everything else in meaning, magically making sense of life.
For most, this yearning for a deeper meaning to life is a sign that humans have souls, and it is a reminder that we are not content with simply getting on with life. We seek connections and a path to channel our energies. This search for deeper meaning can lead to wonderful things: some examples that come to my mind are when people become very devoted to their field of work, which leads to much-needed discoveries and advancement, or when people dedicate their lives toward helping those who cannot help themselves.
Life becomes a wonderful journey when you begin to help those who cannot speak or help themselves due to human inflicted constraints. By saving and restoring the lives of these amazingly majestic animals, one can find a true sense of purpose and understanding. Giving the gift of life is a powerful feeling and one that fills your heart with joy!

Join our Team!
Although the Sanctuary does have employees, we actually approach employment in a very unique and gratifying way. Rather than asking people to apply for a job where they show up on a regular basis, perform some specific work... then simply get paid for their work... we describe our employment opportunities quite differently.
When you choose to join our team, you are actually agreeing to volunteer here with one specific goal - work to help the animals! In essence, you consciously refuse to consider what you are doing to be considered a "job" - and instead - you willingly dedicate whatever work you are performing to be done for the benefit of the animals!
For our part, we realize most people cannot afford to volunteer on a full time basis due to the reality of having expenses such as rent, mortgages, car payments, bills and so on... As such, we agree to give our employees money to help pay those expenses.
The end result is we create a wonderful relationship where people can be here doing what they love, while also receiving the appropriate financial support they need to live and be happy as well.